Here it is the month of All Hallow’s Eve already. I can’t believe how fast time flies. Last night, I had a late night radio interview with Vin Smith on the Midnight Bookworm Radio Show out of San Francisco. It was well after my bedtime, 2 a.m., but it’s always a fun time with Vin. I was on his show previously, a few years back. We spoke about books that were made into movies and how their structure contributed to being true to the book or not.
Now, for some really exciting news: I’ll be speaking at the Library of Congress again in June! We haven’t set the exact date yet but there will be more to come as soon as I have it. If you haven’t been to the LoC, it’s really something to see.
Night Creeps 2 is in the editing stage right now and Patti Hultstrand is currently working on another exciting cover for me. We’re still on track for a January release so far. I’ll have to see what Patti’s backlog is when the edited copy comes back. JoJo Conway is tackling the chore of editing for us this time around. Because of the adult content, I don’t think I’ll be writing a script for this one, at least not in the near future.
I’ve begun work on chapter one of the second novel in the Pain series, Queen of Pain. Marina’s new life as a calm and patient ruler will be short-lived and her anger issues will surface again. Lucky for her as she’ll need them.
Hopefully over the next few months, the website will be undergoing a few changes to accommodate the Pain series and anthologies. I hope to have them completed before the end of the year but we’ll see how busy my computer nerds are.
Join me soon for more information on my projects and appearances. Have a lovely autumn season until next time.