Just returned from Marscon in Williamsburg, Va. with a little snow to spice up the ride home. Marscon is a great little convention run by a hardworking group of individuals. Their location at the DoubleTree Hotel was ideal and the hotel staff treated us great, even dressing with some alien attire to blend in. I had the opportunity to meet some of my writer friends including Mike Pederson, Chris Kennedy, Gail Martin and many others. I met some new friends on the science panels including Jim Beall who I learned I have some things in common with in the nuclear field.
Now that I’m back, I have to focus on finishing Queen of Pain. I’m considering modifying the title based on the ending so we’ll see where this ends up. I just entered Space Truckers in the Nashville Film Festival contest. There is one company who is very interested in ST but, as we’ve seen, these things take time. I’ve finished my short story ‘Out for Justice’ for Fortress Publishing’s upcoming sequel to TV Gods, Summer Programming. I’m ready with an episode of Suits where Harvey Specter gets a visit from a surprising deity. If you haven’t read TV Gods, I highly recommend it. It’s an anthology of 18 stories where mythical characters appear in modern day TV series.
Coming up next for me is Central Pa. Comicon in York, Pa. on March 4-6 and then ReGeneration, a Dr. Who convention in Hunt Valley, MD. on March 18-20th. If you’re in the area, come on by and see some of the costumes, artists, authors and celebrities. Come back again soon for more information on my projects and appearances. Thanks again, everyone.