Hello, everyone. Welcome back to another visit with me. Lots of things are happening and it looks to be a very eventful fourth quarter. Space Truckers 2 has been released and most of the books have been released in audio format. The last three still in production are Twisted Fate, Space Truckers and Space Truckers 2. I expect these to be finished and available by Thanksgiving. I’m currently working on Reign of Pain, the third and final book in the Pain series (Princess Pain, Queen of Pain) and hope to finish it this month. My publisher is anxious to get this to market for the holidays so it is getting extra love and will be fast tracked.
On the movie front, lots going on as my agent has been in discussions with multiple movie companies for most of my screenplays. The big pitch forum that ran from September 20th to the 30th and just wrapped up could make things a lot more interesting as some of my producer contacts participated primarily to present my screenplay projects. Let’s hope they are successful. WHen it rains, it pours. I’d really like it to pour.
Fractured Time is a pilot with 12 accompanying episodes while the others are feature scripts. My Christmas adventure script The Christmas Solution has also become a hot item of interest for one of the streaming companies. The screenplays for Night Creeps and Night Creeps 2 are of significant interest to another movie company and is waiting on a treatment from me. Nothing is under contract yet but I hope to have news on all of these before the end of the year. I can’t give any details at this stage.
I will be appearing at Connooga on February 23-25, 2024 and I’m looking forward to seeing many of my friends and fans there. It’s been a few years since my last appearance there. I haven’t been on the convention circuit in a while due to all the movie interest. It seems everybody needs something: a treatment, a series bible, a book trailer (or 13). I hope to add more for 2024 before the end of the year.
Once Reign of Pain is finished, I will be writing a Space Truckers 3 and then we’ll see where things go. I may start a new series or if I can come up with more creative material for the Space Truckers series, then I’ll continue. I’ll be posting any new information I receive on the projects as soon as I get them. Thank you for joining me and until next time, be safe and happy.