Feb 20
Greetings, everyone. I had a wonderful time at Farpoint this weekend. The weather was unusually warm but pleasant and the attendance was very good. Thanks to everyone who attended my panels and joined me at my table in the dealers’ area of the Radisson’s atrium. The convention has an awesome layout at the hotel. This was one of the best conventions I’ve attended in terms of planning and execution. I could not recommend anything for improvement. Located just west of Baltimore in Timonium, it’s a great location with free parking. I’ve already agreed to return next year for Farpoint 2018.
Next stop is Amazicon on April 7th to the 9th. Located at the Doubletree Hotel on Rt. 202 in Wilmington, Delaware, it’s easily accessible from any direction. The convention already has a reputation for some outstanding and sometimes unusual entertainment. Check out their website for the magician who inhales fire and his partner who likes to lie on a bed of nails. I”m not kidding. I also learned this weekend that Sleezy Martini, the founder of the industrial rock group GWAR, will be joining Amazicon this year.
Between now and then, I will attempt to make some progress on Space Truckers and arrange for book promotion for the release of my latest novel, Queen of Pain. I’m sure you all know by now that Q of P is the sequel to Princess Pain and I’m hoping for a release date from my publisher soon. That’s all for now as I must return to my projects. Join me again soon.
Feb 11
Welcome back everyone. I hope to have a new release date soon for Queen of Pain, the Princess Pain sequel. We anticipated a January release but my publisher is working to make this novel as awesome as possible; so, I’ll let you know once we have a firm date. Coming up on February 17th is Farpoint Sci-fi convention in Timonium, Md., just outside Baltimore. I’ve been assigned several panels and I will have a table in the dealers room so come on down and see what’s happening. On April 7th, I’ll be participating in Amazicon in Wilmington, De. on Rt. 202 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Amazicon is a comicon style convention. I’ll have more on this convention as it gets closer.
Recently, I’ve been focused on marketing my screenplays. I’ve had great feedback but the market is tough right now with the Star Wars/Star Trek movies and DC Comics & Marvel steady stream of films. Every good story has its time though so I’m not deterred in my enthusiasm. Meanwhile, I’m still working my new novel, Space Truckers, adapted from my latest script by the same name.
In May, I’ll be part of Sci-Fi Saturday at Carlisle High School, hosted by Carlisle’s Kathy Schock. I’ll be speaking there as well as working a table in the gym to sell books. This event has been a lot of fun each year that we’ve attended. If you can attend, I highly recommend it.
Coming up in July is WesterCon and I’ve been invited again to join them in Tempe, Arizona. This is a well-run convention that offers a lot to the fans. It’s a west coast convention that alternates from northern cities to southern cities every year. The Phoenix area has always treated me well and I look forward to returning every chance I get. Join me again soon for more information on my projects and appearances.