Jan 03

Hello everyone and welcome back from the holidays. I’ve been away most of December so my writing is a bit behind. Coming up in February is Connooga on February 23-25 in my future home of Chattanooga. I will have a table in the dealers’ room and will be on several panels as well. On February 26th, from 9-5 p.m., I’ll be at McKay’s Book Store just off of 75 at exit 25 in Cleveland. I had a chance to check out McKays last week and I was very impressed with it. In a humongous building, there are two floors with just about anything you can imagine on the shelves. I was also wowed by the number of customers there as well. I’m really excited about this event. I mentioned Chattanooga as my future home. In less than four years, I expect to be living just outside of the city near Kimball. That’s also a convenient location for many of the southern conventions as well.
Unfortunately, I had to cancel out of Farpoint due to work related issues. I will be attending Amazicon on June 1st to the 3rd in Wilmington, DE, for all my local friends and fans. The following weekend, I will be at SciFiValleyCon in Altoona, PA. Look for more events to pop up in my schedule as we get closer to spring.
I still don’t have a date yet for the Queen of Pain. With the number of events my publisher hosted in Phoenix, and my time away, we haven’t completed the cover yet. It’s coming soon though, I promise. I’ve completed the pilot for Space Truckers but still need to complete the series bible. The movie script is already completed so I have two options to offer. I’m still receiving inquiries from producers for all of my scripts but so far, no one is pulling the trigger on an offer. They say patience is a virtue. We will see. Join me again soon as I hope to have a release date for the Queen of Pain. Stay warm, my friends, as it’s one of the coldest winters I can remember so far.

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