May 31

Wow, what a whirlwind of events! Just finished SciFiValleyCon, BaltiCon and SciFiSaturday at Carlisle High School in consecutive weekends. Coming up on June 13th is SciFi Saturday at the York Emporium and on June 24th, I’ll be speaking at the Library of Congress. The next big event is West Virginia Pop Con in Morgantown on August 22nd and 23rd. Between now and then, I am hoping to make some serious headway on several of my projects. Recently at BaltiCon, I spoke with a prominent producer about possibly joining his team next year for two projects if their current project goes well. Totally blown away by the conversation, I realize that I have to wrap up my writing projects as the project he mentioned will take a lot of time and commitment. Sooooo, what do I have on my plate?
I’m working on chapter 3 of The Queen of Pain and I’d like to have that finished by the end of summer for a late December release. I have a lot of fans of Princess Pain who are very anxious to see how our girl handles anger management in her new life. I’m also working on chapter 2 of Space Truckers. For those of you who aren’t familiar, Space Truckers is a script I completed recently and have received a lot of interest in it. Should a motion picture company option or purchase the script, I’d like to be ready with the new novel to help promote the film. The date for this release will be dependent on what happens with the script. My friends at Fortress Publishing are considering a TV Gods II and have stoked the fires of creativity for more mythical characters in modern day TV shows. In TV Gods I, my short story Greek on the Beach was published in the anthology. I already have an idea for TVGII. I also committed to working with a creative fellow with scripts for RPGs and other items revolving around his world building. The ideas he presented me with sound very interesting and I love a challenge.
With all of this on my plate, I am already considering paring down my 2016 travel schedule to make sure I can meet all these commitments. Join me again soon for an update and any breaking news on the ‘hot’ stuff. Take care, everyone.

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