Welcome back, everyone. I’ve just returned from BaltiCon and I’m gearing up for a number of other events as well. I had the opportunity due to a favorable schedule of panels to spend time with many of my friends, both authors and dealers alike. I also had a chance to see my good friend CJ Henderson who has been very ill but was able to attend the convention. I ask all of you to keep him in your prayers. He has a tough fight ahead of him. The TV Gods launch party was a smashing success. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, this is an anthology where mythological characters are plugged into a modern day TV series with some hilarious results. Kudos to my friends at Fortress Publishing for a great job making this a fantastic success. This was the first time I’ve sold a short story that was published. I’ve often found it difficult to adapt from a novel length story to a short story.
On June 14th, from 10-6, I’ll be joining several other authors from TV Gods at the York Emporium at 373 W. Market St. in York, PA, of course. For those of you who can come by, my friends at the store have a whole day of events planned for “Sci-Fi Saturday” so come on down and see what’s going on. The store is gigantic and they have an awesome selection of used books at great bargains. Check out their site at www.theyorkemporium.com .
On June 27th to the 29th, I’ll be at Sci-FiValleyCon in Altoona, Pa. This will be my first time with this convention and it looks like it should be a great time. July 4th to the 6th, I’l be at Inconjunction in Indianapolis for my first time with the Indy crew as well.
I’m getting closer to the completion of Night Creeps 2 and its definitely a more adult horror story than the original. You’ll soon notice that ‘Space Frontiers: The Eye of Icarus’ will have a new cover. This is something that I’ve wanted for a long time and my publisher, Helm Publishing, has agreed to the change. I felt the old cover was so ‘lacking’ compared to the others. I turned to my very talented friend and publisher, Patti Hultstrand, to spin her creative magic and come up with something exciting. As usual, she was awesome. I’m sure all of you will appreciate the sci-fi appeal of the new look. Join me again soon for more updates and appearances.
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