Jan 23

Hello, everyone and welcome back. I recently spent some time in Phoenix, meeting with my publisher to discuss some of my upcoming projects. We expect to have Space Truckers (a novella) released in late February. In the meantime, we agreed that there will be a third and final book in the Pain series titled Reign of Pain. This will be the end of the series and for a very good reason. Marina’s adventures will cross over into Space Truckers in Space Truckers II. It will be subtle at first but she will play more of a role in later episodes. This also becomes advantageous with my screenplays if I contract with someone for a movie. Producers love to know that there is more to your world just as Marvel and DC Comics have capitalized on their characters and worlds.

Speaking of screenplays, this was a very good week for mine. The Fantasy/SciFi Festival just informed me that Space Frontiers was one of their top 14 Best Scenes for 2019. This is the first time that Space Frontiers (The Eye of Icarus) has received recognition in a contest. You can visit the link at

In addition, I also just learned that Princess Pain was listed as a top winner for 2019. You can visit the link at

I have three other scripts that I have to step up in terms of getting recognition. Fractured Time, The Christmas Solution, and an exciting project I co-wrote with my good friend Pete Prellwitz titled The Angel of St. Thomas, adapted from one of his novels.

I don’t really care about the prizes that these contests offer but I do want the credibility that comes with being recognized by industry professionals. So maybe I’m a little bit closer to getting a deal done.

For my local fans in the Philadelphia area, you can find me at the Philadelphia Convention Center on June 19-21 at Wizard World’s Comicon. I will be hosting a table there so if you have the opportunity, please come by.

I will be in Atlanta for Multiverse on October 16-18th and then heading over to the Chattanooga area where I will be planning some events. Of course, there is Ravencon on April 24-26 in Williamsburg, VA. Join me again soon for more information and appearances. Thank you for coming by.

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