Nov 18

Hello, everyone. Welcome back for another update of my projects and appearances. First, and most excitedly, I just learned that Space Frontiers: The Eye of Icarus just won Fantasy/Sci-Fi and Writing Film Festival’s Best Table Read contest. Here is the link if you’d like to check out what a table read is:

Unfortunately, I had to cancel my November conventions due to minor surgery on my foot. I am looking forward to resuming my appearances though in 2020. Currently, I expect to be at Connooga, although I have not heard back from them regarding a table in the convention center. I will be appearing at RavenCon in April, my first appearance there in several years, in Fredericksburg, VA.

My publisher for the Space Frontiers series, Helm Publishing, will no longer be handling the Space Frontiers books. Effective January 1, 2020, AZ Publishing will publish the series. Also, coming in 2020 will be the new Space Truckers series in novella form beginning with The Adventures of the Blue Eagle. I will be meeting with my publisher soon to discuss details and a release date. Join me again soon for the latest on The Worlds of Michael D’Ambrosio. Have a safe and happy holiday season.

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