Oct 10

Hello, everyone. Welcome back to another Author’s Corner with me, your host. I’m close to finishing Queen of Pain, the sequel to Princess Pain. I’ve been really squeezed for time over the last three months, making it difficult to get my writing done. However, I am getting close. Needless to say, I do have a few appearances coming up. On October 23-25th, I’ll be in Denver for MileHiCon. I do have a table in the dealers’ room and will be doing panels as well. After that, I’ll be in Tucson for a one day appearance at Tucson Comicon on November 7th. Look for me at the AZ Publishing (my publisher) table. My next stop won’t be until after the holidays in Williamsburg, Virginia on January 15th for Marscon. I want to make sure I finish Queen of Pain and a short story for the sequel TV Gods – Summer Programming as well.
This month, my new script Space Truckers is being pitched to a producer in Los Angeles. It’s a fun script where corporate greed is the focus in a sci-fi environment, ripe with aliens and angry ex-spouses. Fingers crossed on this one. No news on the others which are under consideration. As I’ve often mentioned, it’s a fickle business that requires a lot of patience. Join me again soon for an update and hopefully some breaking news on the scripts. Happy Halloween and enjoy a cool fall season.

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