Apr 29

Hello, everyone. Spring is upon us and more than the flowers are blooming right now. Last post, I mentioned that Night Creeps and Princess Pain had made the NY Times Best-sellers List. Originally, I was told that the two would appear in March/April. I was just informed of a change in how they list books now. Apparently, each quarter is genre specific so Night Creeps will be listed in the third quarter and Princess Pain in either the third or fourth. I will keep you updated as to when they appear. This is quite an honor and only happens when 25,000 or more books are sold. The distributors responsible for making this happen deal with book stores around the globe so I owe them a great big ‘Thank You’.

Coming up in June are two exciting conventions that I highly recommend if you live in the Pennsylvania area. On June 2-4 is FanExpo at the Philadelphia Convention Center. Some of you may remember FanExpo by its previous title Wizard World. I will be there with table as well so don’t be bashful. Come by and see what’s new. On June 9-11 is SciFiValleyCon in Altoona, Pa. This is another well-run and fun-filled convention that I look forward to. Held at the Blair County Convention Center, it’s not too far from Pittsburgh.

Currently, my books are being concerted to audio format as well as printed and e-book. The Pain series and the Fractured Time Trilogy are the remaining ones that have yet to be completed. Recording has started on Princess Pain and Queen of Pain. Fractured Time will be shortly after.

Space Truckers 2 will be available by July or August and is an excellent follow up to the first Space Truckers story. There will be a third Space Truckers novel with a number of interesting issues to be resolved as well as a few new surprises to be addressed before possibly ending the series. Space Truckers 1 is available now through bookstores and online venues.

I am working on Reign of Pain and hope to have it completed before year’s end. Reign of Pain and Space Truckers 2 feature an overlap of characters in several chapters including Marina (Princess Pain) and Mike Colby (Space Truckers) along with some of their supporting characters. This is a challenge as the timing of appearances in Reign of Pain have to line up with their occurrence in Space Truckers.

And now for some movie talk. A production company is very anxious to obtain the screenplays for Night Creeps and also Night Creeps 2. Unfortunately, I did not have a screenplay for Night Creeps 2. Needless to say, that is another one of my projects. I should have a confirmation on a deal as well as a few of the details around November time frame.

A recent surprise is a solid interest in one of my stand alone scripts, The Christmas Solution. This has become a hot potato and I should have a confirmation on a deal for this around September. Again, more to come. Another company and its producer have an interest in the Space Truckers script but are still seeking funding. A Space Truckers movie would have a much bigger budget that the other three so this could be a lengthy process. I hope to have more on that soon. Join me again soon for more on my projects and appearances.

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