Oct 06

Hello, again, everyone. Welcome back for another visit to The Author’s Corner. I’ve been working with Quantum Discovery to move several of my novels over to them. As you might know, AZ Publishing, which has carried The Fractured Time Trilogy, Night Creeps 1 & 2, and The Pain series, is no longer doing business in the publishing world. This has been an effort as I have spent much of the summer going over the original manuscripts to improve on material, some that I wrote 15-20 years ago. We are close to being finished as Princess Pain and Reign of Pain are the last two that aren’t available yet. The Fractured Time novels, and Night Creeps novels are now available online with new and exciting covers.

I’m also working with a very talented author, Pete Prellwitz, on a project that is turning out real well. We are adapting one of his worlds into a series and the pilot is shaping up nicely. I’m also working on Space truckers 2 and Reign of Pain simultaneously. This has been tricky and time consuming as there is a crossover between the Space Truckers crew and Marina from the Pain series. Their adventures merge together with a common enemy that makes for plenty of action and adventure.

I had to cancel out of the Collingswood Book Fair due to the rains and flooding from hurricane Ian. IT wasn’t near as bad as the dramatic weather forecasters had predicted, but I didn’t want to risk moving books outside in torrential rains (that never came). Next on my list of appearances is PhilCon, November 18th-20th. I had hoped to appear at Monster Bash at Smithville Village on October 20th but I never heard back from them. For next year in February, I will be at Farpoint (Feb. 10th-12th) and Connooga (Feb.17th-19th).

I’m waiting anxiously for news on a Space Truckers movie. I can’t say much about it right now, other than it’s being handled by a producer and a movie company. This gets complicated sometimes so I won’t try to explain. Join me again soon for more details on upcoming appearances, and progress with my projects.

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