May 18

I’ve just returned from beautiful Altoona, Pennsylvania and Scifivalleycon. This year the convention was moved to the Blair County Convention Center and was a smashing success. Kudos to Casey Bassett and his staff for a job well done. The attendance this year was amazing and the panels were well attended. I’d like to thank everyone who came by and purchased books, especially those who returned to continue the series they started last year. Coming up next is BaltiCon this weekend in Hunt Valley, MD, and I’ll be joined by an outstanding cast of writers, publishers and many other literary categories. Also coming up on May 30th, is the charity event at Carlisle High School from 11 to 4. If you are in the general area, come on by and be a part of the event. June 13th is SciFi Saturday at Jim Lewin’s York (Book) Emporium in York, Pennsylvania. This is a fun event and Mr. Lewin is quite the entertainer. June 24th is my return to the Library of Congress where I’ll be speaking about conventions around the country and what they are about. It’s a busy stretch but a fun one.
I did get a bit of flack form some of my fans who are anxious for the sequel to Princess Pain. Now that I’m getting some peer pressure, I have to step it up. I’m also working on a new novel, Space Truckers that is based on my latest script by the same name. So many projects, not enough time. I’m waiting anxiously for responses from a few producers over some of my scripts. They sounded really enthused about them so I’m hoping this is the big one. Hopefully we’ll know soon. Join me again soon for more news and appearances. Thanks, everyone.

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