Mar 01

I’ve just returned from the beautiful Chattanooga area and had a most enjoyable trip. Connooga 2018 was outstanding. Each year, the convention improves in so many different ways. The attendance was great and book sales were amazing. I missed the last two years and was overwhelmed by the number of people who remembered me. Then, there was McKay’s Bookstore just outside of Chattanooga off Rt. 75. exit 7. The staff were so pleasant and sociable. The crowd they draw every night is amazing. McKay’s also has stores in Nashville and Knoxville. If you get a chance to visit one of them, do it. Most of their items are second hand but their rating system tells you how good or bad the item is. The selection of music, instruments, books, games and many other items is unbelievable.
No word on the release of Queen of Pain yet. Medical issues have hindered AZ Publishing recently but are expected to improve soon. They’ve always done a great job for me so patience is earned by them. I’ve been very active with marketing my screenplays. It’s been a frustrating spell as there is much interest but no takers as of yet. I hope to focus more of my attention on the Space Truckers novel in the near future. That’s kind of slid to the back burner for a while now. No worries, though. It is coming.
Next events are AmaziCon in Wilmington, DE and SciFiValleyCon in Altoona, PA, both in the first two weeks of June. I am working on adding more events for the latter part of the year so join me for more details in the next update. Join me again soon for more on upcoming events and projects.


Mike D’Ambrosio

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