Feb 28

This weekend was Farpoint 22, the sci-fi/fantasy convention held a short distance from Baltimore in Hunt Valley. It’s the first convention for myself and many of the attendees since before the pandemic so it felt great to be out again. Despite wearing masks, we managed to have a great time. Kudos to the staff for putting on an excellent show. The numbers, of course, were lower than before as I’m sure many are still uncomfortable with large events.

I had the opportunity to do panels with some new and outstanding authors. Cerese Rennie Murphy and JL Gribble joined me for an enthusiastic panel titled “Now It’s a Major Motion Picture!” Another panel was Time Management and Healthcare for Writers where I was joined by MJ Blehart. MJ had some very helpful tips to offer on this subject. And lastly, Series Arcs with a great writer who has so much positive energy, Arrow J. Knight. The two of us had so much in common with our experiences between books and screenplays. In all three panels, the audience was really into it and the interaction was great. Thanks to everyone for making this an awesome convention.

Now, back to work for me. Coming up in April is FanExpo and Ravencon as you’ve already seen in the previous post. On May 14th, from 12-3, I will be at Barney Loves Books at 22 S. Main St. in Woodstown, NJ. On May 21st, I’ll be at Cocco’s Gelateria in Primos, PA once again, from 12-4.

My latest novel, Space Truckers, will be released shortly and I’m really excited about this book. For one, the screenplay has garnered significant interest and has done well in contests. The novel covers some very interesting topics with the characters, especially when a divorce is involved with one of them. Join me again soon for an update on my projects and appearances.

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