Welcome back, everyone. This weekend coming up is PhilCon which, ironically, is in Cherry Hill, NJ across the river. I’m doing some interesting panels including Writing for Different Media, Dinosaur Fiction, Writing Fight Scenes, and Screenwriting Fundamentals. Today I was informed by WesterCon that I am invited to join them for WesterCon 70 in Tempe, Arizona. WesterCon in Tempe has been awesome in the past, especially their 4th of July fireworks. I will have a table at Amazicon in Wilmington, Delaware in April and may do a panel or two. More to come.
The Queen of Pain is on track for a January release, when I last spoke with my publisher. This is the ass-kicking adventures of Marina who doesn’t believe in diplomacy when solving a problem. Fortress Publishing will be announcing a date for the release of TV Gods – Summer Programming. They have chosen my short story based on the Suits series for inclusion into their anthology. My Greek on the Beach story was published in the original TV Gods as well.
Currently, I’m working on the novel to my latest script Space Truckers. The script has gotten a lot of raves but the flood of DC and Marvel Comics movies has made it difficult to ink a deal right now. I am collaborating on an adaptation with Pete Prellwitz for his Angel series which is taking a little time. The toughest part of an adaptation is deviating from the book. As a writer, it’s like selling your baby.
Join me again soon for additional information on upcoming appearances and projects.
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