Nov 25

Hello, everyone. PhilCon has come and gone and it was a great weekend. I had the opportunity to spend a little time with a fabulous award winning director/screenwriter from Ireland named John Vaughan. He is one of the most entertaining film people I have ever met. ‘The Vault of Horror’ was a fantastic event he hosted at the convention. It was an exciting series of the most horrifyingly bad moments in cinema. I also had the honor of being on a panel moderated by John titled Writing for Media.
I also had the opportunity to share a panel with CJ Cherryh, one of the great sci-fi/fantasy writers of our time. She impressed me, taking the time to speak with everyone both on panels and throughout the convention.
I was pleasantly surprised to see a large umber of young teens at the convention. They had a great time mixing it up with the authors, guests and dealers. PhilCon’s attendance is growing steadily over the last three years and their programming was outstanding.
Two weeks ago, I was invited to join WesterCon next July (2017) in Tempe. WesterCon is a well-run convention that rotates every year on the west coast from a northern city to a southern city. If you have the opportunity to attend this convention, I highly recommend it. The fireworks show that is seen from the deck of the Tempe Mission Palms hotel is outstanding. Their website is I have a link to them under the Links section of this website.
This week, I’m joining my publisher Patti Hultstrand of AZ Publishing for Merry Mainstreet in Mesa. There is an ice skating rink (yes you heard right), over eighty vendors, and a Christmas Tree lighting ceremony to open the holiday season. Check them out at . I’ll be with Patti for part of the evening at her table to autograph books for everyone.
I do expect to have an update on The Queen of Pain as well. Look for information on its release date soon. I spoke with the editor of Fortress Publishing and TV Gods II- Summer Programming will be released at BaltiCon in May of next year. I have a story from the TV show Suits in this anthology. As you know, my short story Greek on the Beach was accepted and published in TV Gods I last year. This promises to be more entertaining than the first anthology as myself and the other authors have warmed up to this theme now.
I’m still working on the novel Space Truckers which is adapted from my latest script. With plenty of interest in the script, I’m hoping for good things. I have learned that the genre is backlogged a bit because of the constant flow of superhero movies from DC and Marvel. So, patience is still the word for my scripts unless I work on a different genre. Join me again soon for the latest updates.

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