Sep 21

Hello, everyone. Welcome back again. I had a wonderful time at Cocco’s Gelataria on Sept. 6th. I was really surprised by the turnout and the support in book purchases. There’s a chance I may speak with Teresa Cocco about doing this again closer to Christmas.
I’ve been off the radar for a bit as I’ve been working on my final draft of Night Creeps 2. Well, it is finally done, I’m happy to say. This was a difficult story for me as its a little more ‘adult’ than I’m used to writing. So many of my Night Creeps readers have asked for more of the good stuff that adults like to read. Well, if this doesn’t knock your socks off, I’ll be surprised. Of course, I’ve already been asked, “Will there be a Night Creeps 3?” I really don’t know right now. It depends on the response from my readers next year. I did leave a loose string for a third and I would be very impressed if someone picked it out. I recently sent the manuscript out for editing before forwarding it to my publisher. I’m hoping for a release in early January in time for the 2015 convention schedule.
Now, I have about a week and a half to finish a short story for an anthology whose theme is invisible characters. Once I finish that, I’ll be diving into the Quuen of Pain (not literally of course). We’ll find out how Marina adjusts to life in the big chair in her new role after Princess Pain. Coming up in November is PhilCon in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. I plan on being there with a table in the dealers room as well. More to come in my next edition so check back soon.

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