Jul 01

This past weekend, June 27-29, was SciFiValleyCon in Altoona, Pennsylvania. I can’t tell you what a pleasure it was to be part of this convention for the first time. I hosted a panel each day for New Writers, Screenwriting Fundamentals, and Books to Movies. Each was well-attended and the people treated me so well. The convention itself drew well over two thousand fans and was very well run by Casey Bassett and his staff. On the lower level of the Jaffe Center were the artists, authors, publishers and the car show. The car show featured Christine, Back to the Future’s Delorean, Ghostbuster’s Ecto-1, the 1966 Batmobile, and the Jurassic Park Jeep. The number of artists and writers was enormous on the lower level. Upstairs were the dealers with a diverse and interesting array of merchandise. They were joined by several of the Indie film producers as well. The convention had a comicon atmosphere with the film festival and other events. The volunteer staff were awesome. I have not seen a group of volunteers so committed to being successful anywhere. Kudos to Casey and his staff for a job well done.
July 4th weekend, I’ll be in Indianapolis for my first trip to Inconjunction. I’m really looking forward to appearing in the area for the first time and making new fans. I’ll have more on this event next week. In the mean time, I’m getting close to completing Night Creeps 2 – A More Adult Horror Story. My issue right now is how I want to end it. I’m sure this will make all my readers who wanted ‘more adult’ happy.
Princess Pain is doing well, aprticularly among the ladies. It’s a strange thing how women and anger seem to go hand in hand. Only kidding, ladies! I’m sure the ladies are pointing a finger at their men right about now. I’ll be listing a lot of conventions for 2015 soon. I’m hoping to add some new stops along the way but we’ll see how my schedule lines up. Next week, I’ll have a little more information on what’s happening so join me soon as we catch up on things. Happy July 4th everyone.

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