Mar 29

Just completed arrangements to join the crew at Sci-Fi ValleyCon in Altoona, Pa. on June 27th to the 29th. This will be my first appearance at the convention and I’ve heard great things about them. I’m also making my final preparations for Central Pennsylvania Comicon as well. I have some exciting panels scheduled over the weekend of April 5th and 6th. At noon on the 5th, I’m doing ‘New Writers – How to Market and Promote Yourself. Later that day at four o’clock, I’m doing ‘Things to know before you write the screenplay’. On Sunday, April 6th, I have ‘Pirates and Science Fiction – Why We Love Them’. These are panels I’ve done in the past and have always been a lot of fun.
Don’t forget, in May, I’ll be at LepreCon in Mesa, AZ and BaltiCon as well. I enjoy flip-flopping all over the country and meeting lots of new fans. This is your opportunity to get your first look at my new novel, Princess Pain. She’s a real heart-stopper.

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