Mar 21

Welcome back, everyone. Spring is in the air and things are shaping up. I usually don’t do contests for my screenplays but I felt lucky and entered Wildsound Film Festival’s 1st Scene contest. I submitted the first scene from The Courier which is adapted from my Princess Pain novel. I was surprised to hear that I won and they recommended I enter the complete script into their screenplay contest coming up. Winning this contest isn’t about money or giveaways but more about the recognition the script will get now. The question that always comes up when I pitch to a producer is ‘Has it won any awards or contests?’. Not that it’s a disqualifier but it does certainly help get additional recognition and consideration.

In the meantime, my publisher is still working diligently on The Queen of Pain. Queen of Pain is the sequel to Princess Pain if you aren’t familiar with the title. I’m hoping we’ll be ready by May. I thought it would be available for Amazicon in April but it’s not looking like we’ll make it. A lot goes into the book preparation and my publisher at AZ Publishing is not one to shortcut to speed up a release. In the meantime, I’m marketing my scripts and working on Space Truckers, which we expect to be available sometime in early 2018. Space Truckers is the latest script I completed last year and I’m writing the novel to it now. The story will actually have a part two to it that I can write as a sequel script if I need to.

Speaking of Amazicon, for my friends who will be in the Wilmington, Delaware area during the weekend of April 7-9th, I will be at Amazicon at the Doubletree Hotel next to the Concord Mall on Rt,. 202. This is just across the border from Pa. and down the road a few miles from Targetmaster for you shooters. Amazicon has some really cool things as it is primarily a Comicon. I recommend checking out their website at for some of the events. I will be doing some panels as well for those who want to hear or talk about books and movies and how they work together. On April 29th, I will be at Carlisle High School near Harrisburg for Sci-fi Saturday. They’ve asked me to do a panel or two as well. July fourth week, I’ll be in Phoenix for WesterCon, my second home of sorts. WesterCon is a very good convention that rotates cities on the west coast, usually alternating between north and south on the west coast. Join me again for more news on my projects and appearances.

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