Mar 05

Welcome back, everyone. I’m sure you are as anxious as I am for the convention scene to come alive again. It sounds like we’re getting close. Hopefully the virus runs its course and fades out or the vaccines kick in and do their thing. I’ve been taking advantage of the time away from traveling to focus primarily on Space Truckers.

I’m working with Open Gate Entertainment preparing the script for Space Truckers: Adventures of the Blue Eagle and its essentials (i.e. treatment, beat sheet, etc.) and things are progressing nicely. I’m hopeful that, by the end of the year, we’ll have a deal for a Space Truckers movie. The novella is on hold right now for a few reasons. First, my publisher is no longer taking on new work due to her work load. I’m gonna’ miss her handling my new novels. Depending who I sign with, I may go to a full length novel instead of a novella. There is plenty of material for this series, both for film and book.

Assuming that there is a Space Truckers movie, it will be followed up by a series of one-hour episodes. This is important to decide before continuing because the books will need to be set up so each episode is constructed in alignment with the book.

Also, I expect to have Space Truckers interweaving with Reign of Pain, book three of the Pain series. Yes, Marina’s reign of Pain crosses over into the worlds of Space Truckers as both she and the crew of the Blue Eagle have common enemies to deal with. Join me again soon for new info on Space Truckers: Adventures of the Blue Eagle.

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