Wow, what a fantastic weekend I had at MidsouthCon. There were so many good things that happened this weekend that left me amazed. For one, I was awed by the number of new fans who came by and purchased copies of all my books. The number of fans at the convention impressed me as well. When the dealers’ room closed at 2:00 on Sunday, it was still crowded with customers! The convention boasted an all-star lineup with a number of popular writers including Steve Zimmer, Kim Richardson, Georgia Jones, and many others. Midsouthcon has an outstanding program along with workshops and the authors who lead them. I plan on returning next year to the Hilton East in Memphis for MidsouthCon 33. If you can travel to the Memphis area, you should get to this con. It’s well worth it.
In a few weeks, I’ll be at the new Central Pennsylvania Comicon in Carlisle, Pa. just outside Harrisburg. Look for me on four exciting panels on Saturday and one on Sunday on a variety of topics. Then come by my table for some friendly conversation and check out my collection of books. The convention website can be found at http://www.centralpacomiccon.com for more information.
Coming shortly after, I’ll have details on LepreCon in Mesa, AZ and BaltiCon in Hunt Valley, MD. Join me again soon for more information on upcoming cons and appearances.
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