Jun 12

After a very successful weekend at SciFiValleyCon and Amazicon the previous weekend, it’s back to work. The good news is that Queen of Pain, the Princess Pain sequel, has made its debut and did well. The great news is that I met a lot of really cool people and made many new friends. I had the pleasure of meeting JoJo Spatafora of Big Brother and Nick Giglio of Comic Book Man (AMC) at Amazicon. If you check my Facebook page out, you’ll see that Dead Pool is an avid fan of the Pain series. Now that the fun is over, I must get back to work on Space Truckers and several pitches for my other scripts that need to be sent out. Currently, my next convention isn’t until October 5th in Louisville for Imaginarium but that could change. Join me again soon for more information on upcoming appearances, projects, and the latest news.

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