Oct 15

The long awaited arrival of The Queen of Pain is nearly upon us. My publisher has nearly completed the cover and we’re near a release date. For those of you not familiar with the Queen, this is the sequel to Princess Pain. Lead character Marina continues to wreak havoc on her enemies as her fate does not appear to be a peaceful one. Filled with futuristic action, the Queen of Pain will not disappoint.
My speaking at the event was a very pleasurable experience. We had a really good crowd and I had the opportunity to speak on a number of things. I’d like to offer a special thanks to Rosemary Labarge for having me at the Collier Library Headquarters and for a great job promoting the event. The Collier Library will have my books on file very shortly, making them available to all Collier County residents and visitors.
Unfortunately, I had to cancel my appearance at Wellsboro Book Festival, but I have added the Mesa Book Festival on December 9th to my list of stops. The festival runs from 2-8 and I should be there by 5:30 until closing. I will be attending PhilCon in November at the Cherry Hill Crowne Plaza as well for my local fans and friends. There is still nothing new to report on the screenplays, other than the interest continues to grow. The script adaptation of To Fly Again is on hold for contract issues with my other publisher and the writer. Details are very important when adapting someone else’s work. Coming up in February, I will be attending Farpoint and Connooga. On February 26th, the day after Connooga, I will be appearing at McKay’s Books, just off I-75 north of Chattanooga. I am working on details for X-Con in Myrtle Beach and hope to be there in May.
Of my latest projects, I have had my hands full with Space Truckers. The movie script is completed. The novel is about half-finished but the new wrinkle is that I am also working on a pilot and series bible for Space Truckers. I have had several inquiries as to the availability of a pilot versus a feature script. At first, I wasn’t sure it would work, but once I started into the novel, I realized there was so much more I could show. Let’s hope that some creative producer can see it too. Thank you again for joining me and come back soon for more information on my literary and film worlds.

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