Sep 12

Welcome back, everyone. It’s been a long busy summer for me as I’m sure many of you can say the same. Queen of Pain has finally been released! My publisher and I are waiting patiently for its availability on the internet sites. I do have copies for those who can’t wait and are chomping at the bit since reading Princess Pain. I apologize for the delay but the Queen won’t disappoint, I assure you. I will be appearing at Imaginarium in Louisville in October and PhilCon in November and I look forward to seeing many friends and fans. This will be my first visit to Louisville in quite a few years and I’m looking forward to it. In February, I’ll be appearing at Farpoint in Hunt Valley and, like all conventions I attend, I will have a table in the dealers’ room. In June, you can look for me at SciFiValleyCon in Altoona, Pa. for a fun con in the mountains. I hope to add appearances in Phoenix, and Nashville next year as well as several other locations so check in to see if I’ll be at a con near you.

The summer has kept me busy with marketing my screenplays. As usual, there’s been a lot of interest but no action. The film industry appears to be in a recession of sorts as there isn’t a whole lot happening in regard to new scripts. I receive leads from Inktip every week and it seems that the demand right now is for very low budget scripts. Unfortunately, good sci-fi comes with a price. I’ve been limited in my work on my new novel, Space Truckers, but did submit a novella version of it to a major publisher. I don’t expect anything to happen with it since it doesn’t fit the cookie cutter formula for them. I will be continuing on the full length novel though and I’m targeting April for a completion date. So goes the business of writing. Join me again soon for updates on my projects and appearances.

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