Mar 24

Just returned from my second convention in Tennessee in less than a month. It’s always a pleasure returning there. I had an opportunity to see many friends in addition to those from Connooga and I picked up quite a few new fans for my novels. I also had an opportunity to meet a new rising star in the writing world, James Hodgson. If you have a chance to look him up, he’s a class act and a very talented writer.
Now I have a little time before my next conventions in May, SciFiValleyCon and BaltiCon so I’ll try to make some headway on chapter two of Queen of Pain. While relaxing at Midsouthcon, I came up with an idea for my Space Truckers script. I want to write a prequel to it after coming up with a wild plot line that I can use to set up Space Truckers. Night Creeps 2 should be available soon and Night Creeps is catching fire right now. I can’t believe how many copies I’ve sold of late. Thanks for joining me and come back soon for another update on my projects and appearances.

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